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The cost of cooling your home due to the heat gained through windows can make
up about 40% of your summer utility bill. Window film can help protect you from
solar heat gain by reflecting the heat, which helps lower energy consumption.
LLumar® Residential & Commercial films can help you save an average of $99 on
summer cooling costs! It is estimated that your lower energy costs and rebates
offered, will pay for the Window Film Installation cost within 3-4 years. One of the
best cost saving investments available for your home or business.

The effectiveness of LLumar® window film in reducing utility bills and energy

consumption vary according to market and climate. The map below provides an
overview of approximate savings in several markets around the
United States.
These figures were calculated using the Lawrence Berkeley
National Labs
RESFEN 3.1 study model.

Cooling Cost
Without Film

Cooling Cost
With Film

Cooling Cost Savings

Electricity $/kwhr


























Kansas City





Los Angeles










New York










San Diego





Washington, D.C.










Above costs DO NOT INCLUDE costs for hot water, lighting, and appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, clothes washer, or dryer, etc.).

Values used in RESFEN model:

  • 2,000 sq. ft., 2 story existing frame home, 300 sq. ft. of windows evenly divided between North, South, East, and West.
  • Energy costs are based on 2006 expected costs per kwhr for electricity for each location.
  • Single pane clear window without film: U-value 0.87, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.63.
  • Single pane clear window with LLUMAR® Heat Control Neutral film: U-value 0.68, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.22.
  • Window U-values and SHGC take into account the effect of the window framing system. Model is based on double-hung, 3ft. x 4ft. vinyl windows. U-value and SHGC were calculated using LBNL Window 4.1.
  • Air infiltration for windows set to 0.30 cfm per sq. ft. for both windows with and without film.
  • Solar Gain Reduction set to typical for both windows with and without film. This provides for some external and internal shading of windows and reduces the overall effect of adding solar film, but provides a truer value of savings.

Here is the most recent format for acquiring your Progress Energy Window Film Rebate:

Progress Energy Rebate Form Window Film

Here is a national website resource to determine what your local power company is currently offering to encourage reduced energy consumption with the installation of window film. This is the TECO site.